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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

To Kindle or Not to Kindle?

After much debate with myself over the wisdom of putting Judgment on Tartarus out on Kindle, I finally decided that it was probably worthwhile. So I reached another milestone by making the deal to have Book One formatted and released on Kindle. I'll let you know when it will be available.

This wasn't an easy decision for me. Though I own a Kindle myself and have read one book on it, I prefer a book you can hold in your hands and turn pages. I like to be able to jump back and forth through a book, to reread, to check out parts I may not have fully paid attention to at first, etc. Also, I like to study book covers, to judge whether or not they truly convey what's inside. It annoys me when a book doesn't deliver on its cover---I feel a bit cheated sometimes. Same goes for backcover "blurbs"! A book has a certain tactile "feel" that I don't get from my Kindle. And maybe worst of all, I can't tell how much of the "book" I've read and how much more there is to go!

Maybe this is just a case of my own personal aversion to new technology, but I'm willing to give Kindle a chance. In any case, I'd like to see more people reading these days. Though I love TV and movies both, I still think you can gain much more by reading a good book. No matter the format, a book can go with you wherever you go and will wait patiently for you to have time for it!

What are your thoughts?


1 comment:

  1. Like you I am attached to the old-fashioned book. I do not own a Kindle. However, I am able to appreciate the convenience of essentially carrying your entire library around with you without renting a truck!
