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Friday, April 1, 2011

Hedonistic Beings?

In my book Judgment on Tartarus, the neighboring planets Cytherea and Tartarus are philosophically light-years apart, on opposite ends of the spectrum. Tartarians consider Cythereans "hedonistic beings" who live for the day and only for themselves and their comfort. Cythereans refuse to worry; they favor such sentiments as "Spilled water eventually evaporates!" and "Do not worry so much about everything!" ( Perhaps good advice practiced  in moderation! )

Most Cythereans tend to be light-hearted, appreciative of humor, easy-going, and friendly. They laugh frequently, but have tender feelings which they aren't afraid to express. Cythereans enjoy to the fullest good food and drink, art and music, beauty, sports, and relaxation.

Of course, this is a broad generalization; there are some Cythereans who are more serious, tend to duty, and exhibit great concern for the welfare of their planet and its people. For instance, there is Ambassador Tal, a Cytherean who has voluntarily left his own comfy planet to spend most of his time confined to the bubble-like structure that is the Interplanet Compact Embassy on one of Tartarus' twin moons. And in Book Two, True Son of Tartarus, we will meet First Minister Ryn of the Cytherean ruling cabinet. But these two men are the  exceptions rather than the rule.

Next time, I hope to delve a bit deeper into the Tartarian philosophy and way of life.

'Til then,


1 comment:

  1. As a postscript, I forgot about the head of Astrella's Science Section---Dr. Kyp of Cytherea, also a dedicated scientist who puts duty before pleasure!
