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Monday, March 14, 2011

A Serious Note

The recent horrific disaster in Japan and the earthquake in New Zealand should graphically remind us that this Earth is an ever-changing, dangerous place! We are plagued by earthquakes, sunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires. mudslides, blizzards, avalanches, etc.  We'll probably discover entirely new dangers out in space or on other planets we finally reach. But we must never forget that we aren't exactly safe here at home either!

Those who are on the cutting edge of space exploration know darn good and well that they are risking their lives. Astronauts realize the dangeers, but accept them as part of the cost of doing what they love to do. They are my heroes, and although I envy them, I realize that I lack their courage and fortitude!

I will try to do everything I can to support them and the space program. And my thoughts and prayers will continue to go out to those effected by tragedies on Earth.



  1. Remember the earth itself is a spaceship of sorts. We are somewhat protected by our atmosphere, but a lot of the same rules apply.
    As I used to remind Mom, "Life ain't safe...none of us gets out of here alive!" least in an earthly sense.
