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Saturday, March 19, 2011

An Equal Opportunity Reader

Right now I'm reading an interesting fantasy novel ( no, I don't read only science fiction! ) called City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. It's Book One of the Mortal Instuments series. I'm about 2/3 rds of the way through it. It's well-written, funny in places,, and obviously geared for a teen to young adult audience, but I'm enjoying it. If I turned my nose up at books out of my advanced-age range, I'd never have discovered the Harry Potter series which I dearly love!

The plot involves a group called the Shadowhunters who defend "mundanes" ( that's us ) from demons. A refreshing change from centering on vampires and werewolves as the main characters---no offense to Twilight fans as I am also one!And I don't dislike either class; I'm an equal opportunity reader! So if you enjoy fantasy/horror with a nice comic touch ( kinda reminiscent of "Buffy" ) you might want to try reading City of Bones.

Happy reading,


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