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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Things You Cannot Do in Outer Space!

As I've said before, I'm not a scientist and I don't write hard science fiction---that's just not my field of expertise. But even as a non-scientist, I do my best to research and make my brand of SF believable. ( or at least theoretically possible! ) Therefore, I've developed a list of things you absolutely cannot do in outer space:

     1.  Survive in space without a spacesuit!  Baby, it's cold out there, and there's no air in space so you couldn't breathe. Without a pressure-suit your body would expand, turn into glop, then vaporize. Not good!

     2.  Travel faster than light!  At least without a dang-good bit of theoretical or imaginary science!

     3. Pick up the phone and call home!  You can't have an instantaneous conversation with someone on a planet that is light-years away!

     4.  Land the spaceship and take off again!  Takes too darn much energy to do so.

     5. Stop the ship on a dime!  You'd need retro-fire to slow or stop a ship in space, or it would just keep on going forever! This is one problem most movies, TV shows and authors tend to ignore.

Hope you found this enlightening and not just boring,


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