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Friday, March 11, 2011

Who Says I'm Just Like My Characters?

Wow! Once again Judgment on Tartarus rose from 2 million-and-something back up to #296,876 on's bestseller rankings! That's the highest it's ever been! I am psyched, but I'll try not to get too depressed when its ranking inevitably dips again.

So, in answer to a question: who is the character most like me? Probably Rona Scott---but I'm a heck of a lot more timid than she is; call me superchicken. ( Just don't challenge me about anything I feel strongly about! ) The least like me? Probably Kalom. He's very sure of himself, outgoing, cocky, impulsive, funny, and flirty. Second least like me would be Malkis. I'm not at all good at hiding my emotions. I'm known to cry at the drop of a hanky! And yes, I do cry when writing some of my own scenes.

I forget who said it, but I'm quoting when I say: "No tears for the writer---no tears for the reader." I find that very true. And I'm not much like Hughes either, who tends to explode fairly frequently. I do have a temper but with a very long fuse, thank goodness! I think, though, most writers would agree that they put a little piece of themselves into every character they write. Makes sense to me!

All the best,


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