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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Little Nudge!

Just in case you need a teensy little nudge to convince you to try reading Judgment on Tartarus:

The focal character, Ensign Corona Scott ( Rona ), is an idealistic, career-driven young officer who has just been assigned to her first deep-space mission. She comes aboard her first ship, the retired battle cruiser Astrella II, with high hopes of advancing her career and fulfilling her life-long dreams. She's adventurous, though a bit timid, impulsive, and insatiably curious. Dismayed by the unexpected atmosphere of prejudice, bigotry, and outright hatred rampant aboard Astrella, she finds herself struggling valiantly to maintain an open mind and prove herself competent.

She soon begins to worry that her career in space is about to be deep-sixed! She comes into conflict with Astrella's legendary CO, Richard Hughes, who's notorious for his hair-trigger temper, no-nonsense attitude, and lack of sympathy for green ensigns! And his ExO, Malkis of Tartarus, despises Terran females and seems to have it out for Rona in particular! What's a girl to do?

I know my loyal followers have already read my first book, and I'm still soliciting reviews posted on's bookstore or elsewhere.

Hope you're intrigued and want to find out what happens,


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