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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Farewell to Discovery

Watching the space-shuttle Discovery come in for its final landing was a sad moment for me and brought a tear or two to my eyes. The most-traveled of the shuttle fleet is being "retired" and consigned to a museum. ( I've heard conflicting reports as to her destination. ) Painful as this move may be, change is necessary if it brings us even one step farther into space. My only fear is that the US, especially, has lost sight of why we should be going into space. There are many good reasons from commercial to scientific to sheer practicality, ie: the ultimate survival of the human race.

Pushing the boundaries, whatever they may be, is one of the hallmarks of humanity after all. Other countries---notably China---are more than eager to get into space themselves. Maybe that will be enough in itself to prod the US into action? At least, I hope, the test of the plasma rocket, which could potentially power a ship to Mars within five months, is scheduled to be tested in 2014. I'm hoping to live long enough to see us land on Mars someday. Anyway, in the meantime I'm really looking forward to the next launch of Endeavor ( April 19 th if I'm not mistaken. ) I'll be watching.  Will you?


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