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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Author's Proofs

I've been rather busy going over the proofs of True Son of Tartarus with a fine-tooth comb. Not only do I have to check and double-check my work for nit-picky details of spelling, punctuation, grammar, continuity, etc., but I have to check the publisher's layout job as well. Believe it or not, there are often some big boo-boos there! An author can never be too careful.

I've caught mistakes that slipped by in a lot of books---even the Harry Potter books were plagued by publishing problems! The paperback version of Judgment on Tartarus, as published, had a few small errors that somehow managed to get by all the proofing, but the Kindle version---which I had nothing to do with---had a lot more. I own one other book on Kindle ( All the Weyrs of Pern by Anne McCaffrey ) and that one, unfortunately, is LOADED with errors! I consider myself fortunate.

Once I'm done proofing, I have to mail all the pages with changes back to my publisher to be corrected via a computer program. Then I'll get a copy of that for final proofing, and hopefully, can sign off on it. Next, the manuscript goes to the printer to be turned into a finished book. I know many of you are anxious to find out what happens next in the story. Well, I know what happens next, and I still can hardly stand the suspense!

True Son of Tartarus can't come out soon enough for me!


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