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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Hot Spell

The heatwave that hit the East Coast wasn't fun. Temperatures shot up over 100 degrees, even in my backyard, which is shaded by a good many tall trees. Since it was too hot to work outdoors, I was forced to stay inside. And being a dyed-in-the-wool writer, what did I do? I wrote, naturally.

First, I worked on a short story I wrote several years ago and promptly lost. As usual, I had stumbled across the first draft while searching for something else---which, of course, I didn't find. Is there some kind of unwritten law about this?

Anyway, the short story is a vampire-themed urban fantasy, not horror. And no, it's nothing like Twilight! After writing a second draft of the short, I started working on another novel, this time a space opera, also begun several years ago. The title is Galaxy Rand, and this book is going to be a far cry from my Tartarus books. But I think Galaxy will end up being a fun read in itself.

The rough draft of Malkis of Tartarus, the first prequel to the Tartarus Trilogy, is finished, and as usual, I'm letting it "marinate" for a while. When I get back to it, I should be able to evaluate the novel with fresh eyes: add, delete, correct, etc. I may go through several drafts before I'm entirely satisfied.

So a spell of intense summer heat can lead to a spell of productive writing---as can winter snowstorms! But at least I don't have to go out and shovel heat.

All for now,


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