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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tools of the Trade

Want to try writing a novel of your own, perhaps even an SF novel? Here are some of the tools you're going to need:

One Laptop ( EZ to edit! )

Looseleaf binders and lined paper to fit. ( So draft pages can easily be rewritten and replaced. I like to write my drafts the old-fashioned way---gives me time to think. )

Pens---lots of them. I prefer Flair pens because they come in different colors ( good for editing ) and are easy on the hand. ( I've had carpal tunnel syndrome twice already. Repeat performances---NO THANK YOU! )

USB Flashdrives for backup files and possibly submitting a ms to publishers.

One Atlas of the Solar System and lots and lots of other reference material.

One unabridged Webster's Dictionary---it's huge and heavy!

A thesaurus, either paper or digital.

Stamps and padded envelopes for mailings to publishers.

One printer and copy paper for making hard copies of your work.

One large bottle of painkillers for all the headaches you're bound to get doing this!

But seriously, don't let me discourage you from giving it a go. In spite of everything I've had to struggle through for the past forty-plus years in order to become a published author, for the most part I've truly enjoyed the process. The final destination is well worth all the effort you put in.

Keep on reading and/or writing!


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