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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

True Lies

Recently another author remarked that she told lies for money. Humorous, but that's writing in a nutshell. Human beings have been telling each other "lies" for millions upon millions of years. Story-telling was probably one of the very first arts. I think it's in our genes to make up stories.

But buried among those "lies" must lie a kernel of truth or the stories have no real meaning. Many a yarn-spinner has told a tall tale with no deeper meaning, simply to entertain. And we're still doing it. But like many others, I prefer stories that tell the truth using lies. In that manner people may find the truth more palatable, even more acceptable.

In my planned Tartarus Trilogy all three books tell that kind of story while entertaining the reader. The truths that might be derived range from accepting beings as they are to tempering justice with both mercy and forgiveness. Did I set out specifically to write "morality tales"? Not in the least. I just write what comes from my heart, and find that I write ( mostly ) what I believe deep down. And sometimes what I come up with surprises even me!

In order to tell a made up story that rings true you have to believe in what you are writing. People will sense when you are trying to pass off a load of---to be polite, shall we say "bilge"?  But sometimes in order to write for a particular, perhaps unsavory, character you must espouse a cause that you yourself do not believe in.  But your character does! This is the only way I could write Shadris, Shakandra, Johann Weiner, or Chief Elder Kadris. They tell the truth as they see it, not as I do, even though they are dead-wrong.

I hope to continue telling more of these "true lies" long into the future.


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