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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Shameless Self-promotion!

I'm not at all comfortable promoting my own book---always feels to me as if I'm bragging; however, in the present climate, when publishers large and small don't have the budget to promote the books they publish, what's an author to do? No one's going to buy a book they've never heard of, even at a decent price. And I have an even tougher time than many because Judgment on Tartarus is my first novel, and therefore my name isn't well known.

I rely heavily on my readers, not only for feedback and reviews, but also for word-of-mouth advertising, even lending their copies to others. ( I know, I know! I've learned the hard way that loaned books are seldom returned. Writing your name inside in great BIG letters helps---guilt can work wonders! )

I've donated some copies of Judgment to local libraries in hopes of attracting a few readers and getting my name out there. I'm even considering tucking my postcards into SF books in the library. Don't know if these tactics will succeed or not, but they're worth a try.

Today's authors who are just starting out are a new generation of explorerers; we explore new ways of doing things: e-books, facebook, Twitter, websites, etc. Untried waters for us; probably much more familiar to future generations. Sometimes self-promotion seems like an impossible task. Sometimes it's discouraging.

But I'm trying to stay positive. After all, I'm a published author, something I've wanted most of my life. And my readers ( so far ) love my stories, as do I. I know they're well written to the best of my ability. Book One has been copyrighted and placed in the Library of Congress. My family will own the rights for many years to come. Whether my books will even be relevant fifty years from now, who knows?

For now I'm happy with my lot. I love writing and I'm just glad people enjoy what I write.

There's a lot to be said for doing what you love!


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