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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Back to Business

Although I'm really looking forward to Readercon 22, this year it's more of a business trip, I guess you'd say. I go armed with business cards and postcards imprinted with an image of the cover of Judgment on Tartarus on one side and the back cover blurb on the reverse. I'm hoping to sell a few copies of my book at the Broad Universe table. The book dealers' room is one of the highlights of the con.

Even more than selling books, I look forward to promoting my books, maybe meeting a fan or two---and making a few more. Hey, the best book in the world won't sell unless people hear about it. So in addition to being a writer I now have to be a marketer and PR person!

The folks who attend this convention are authors, editors, publishers, booksellers, and collectors. We have the love of books in common, and in particular we love genre books such as science fiction, fantasy, horror, and the increasing number of cross-genre books now coming out. If you can't get to a con near you, the next best place is a bookstore.

Keep on reading,


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