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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Shadows of Things to Come

While I'm waiting ( not terribly patiently ) for others to do their work preparing True Son for publication or critiquing Book 3: Ransom of Tartarus, I've already started jotting down notes for the second prequel to my Trilogy: namely, Hero of The Gorgonian Wars. I've actually written a "really rough" draft of a couple key scenes.

Although I don't always work in chronological order when I'm writing, I have a template in my head of where each scene fits and what must go before and after it. I find it a lot easier to do this with Books 4 and 5 than it was with Book 1 because most of my characters are already fully developed. I know very well what each of the familiar characters would say and how they'd act or react. New characters, not so much!

Seems as though I'm constantly creating stories or scenes from stories in my head, whether I'm thinking about them or not. Whenever a good idea pops into my head, I try to write it down as soon as possible. Then I let those ideas "marinate" for a time, sometimes for years! Of course, some ideas never pan out or for some reason hit a dead end. I suspect they fail to "connect" with something deep inside me. If they choose not to cooperate with me, I leave them be, see if something develops from them later. Hey, not all my ideas are great ones!

And I never know what's going to spark the next usable idea for a story---could be a piece of music, a song, a poem, a memory, artwork, etc. So I'll keep on scribbling down ideas for future stories, never knowing where they may take me.

All for now,


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