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Thursday, April 7, 2011

SF and Fantasy Films and TV Shows

Besides reading and writing books, I watch a fair amount of TV and an occasional movie. ( Though I love movies, I see most of them on DVD. ) Past and present TV shows which I've loved most include Babylon 5, Farscape, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Lost, CSI, House, Medium, Moonlight, Blood Ties, and True Blood ( on HBO and definitely adult! Not for the faint-hearted! )

As with the majority of TV shows, not all episodes are terrific, so I usually try to watch several before I judge a show---unless they're so stinking bad it's a waste of my time! For example, season one of Babylon 5 was sadly lacking in many areas, but had definite potential. I stuck with it, fortunately, for B5 built into a truly great show! Most of the acting, by the major characters at least, was superb---and the sets, costumes, lighting, etc. were literally out of this world! Why no actor on that show ever won an Emmy for their role beats me! At least, more recently, many of the actors on Lost were recognized for their performances!

Don't even get me started on the prejudice which exists in Hollywood against science fiction and fantasy! Avatar and District 9 were both passed over for the Oscar. In fact, to my memory ( which is not always reliable! ) the only fantasy film to ever win Best Picture was Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King! I think many people were embarrassed not to vote for it because it was so darn good!

Any thoughts on the subject? Let me know!


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