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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Planet Graham

Yesterday was a real banner day for me! First, I discovered that Judgment on Tartarus' sales ranking went up again---from a discouraging 2 million and some to 482,750. Not bad for a first time author whose book has only been out three months!

Second, I was going over comments left on my blogsite ( I'm not really what you'd call computer literate, but I'm learning! ) and discovered I had received a very nice comment from the graphic artist who designed my book's front cover, interior layout, fonts, etc. For some time I'd been wondering who my designer was, and I'd always wanted to thank him personally and let him know how pleased I was with his work. His name is Kerry Graham and on his website ( ) he has an entire page dedicated to how he designed my book! ( Look it up by going to his page and the list on the right side; click on science fiction and there it is! ) Can't tell you how thrilled I was to find it!

I'm hoping to be able to get him to design True Son of Tartarus next. That would be ideal, since I have in mind another scene in outerspace. Granted, it's going to be even more challenging because I'd like to have a couple spaceships portrayed. We will see, we will see!

Again my thanks go to Kerry!


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