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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Doctor Who Fan?

I've never been what you'd call a really big fan of the TV series Doctor Who. Well, until fairly recently! My hubby is a long-time fan of the BBC series, but it's growing on me. My favorite Doctors? I'm really fond of Sylvester McCoy's portrayal---as well as his companion, Ace ( Sophie Aldred ). They made a great team, and McCoy's Doctor had just the right mixture of mystery and puckish fun!

My second favorite was the late Patrick Troughton, the second actor to portray the Doctor. He was also noted for his sometimes-humorous interpretation of the role and his puckish charm. So close is my third choice that it's almost a tie: Christopher Eccleston---a much more recent Doctor. His Doctor is also charming, a bit child-like, with a deep sense of melancholy all his own. ( And what the man lacks in looks, he more than makes up for in talent! ) Some of his episodes have actually brought me to tears. I really wish he had chosen to do another season, he was that good!

I wouldn't exactly categorize Doctor Who as science fiction---although time-travel is definitely an SF concept going back to H.G. Wells! And the UK TV show breaks the "rules" for SF right, left, and sideways! ( See my blog titled "Things You Cannot Do in Outerspace" ) However, the show, especially episodes with the last five Doctors, is fast-paced, fun, entertaining, and often gorgeous to look at!

I've also noticed that the Doctor appears to be getting younger with every new regeneration! Hmmm! Verrry interesting!!!


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