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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Destiny Is Destiny: Huh??

In my novels, Malkis of Tartarus often speaks about fulfilling one's destiny. Even I'm not exactly sure what is meant by this. Do we all have an ultimate destiny? Or do only a chosen few have any real destiny? And is it ever perfectly clear to any of us what that destiny is? Are we supposed to figure it out for ourselves---or just muddle through life hoping for the best? Or perhaps we should wait to receive some kind of divine revelation? Well, I'm not a big fan of that last one, but more thoughts on that at some later date.

I know many people have thought that they'd discovered their ultimate destiny, only to find they were as wrong as wrong could be! Like the guy who attempted to sail around the globe by himself only to have to be rescued shortly after setting out! Sometimes it's a heck of a lot easier to discover what your destiny isn't, rather than just what it is. To give you another for-instance, I ruled out any kind of a medical carreer at a fairly early age---I can't stand the sight of blood, even fake blood!

Several times in my life I've wanted to do something very much, never achieved it, and ended up feeling depressed or angry or both! But looking back on such instances now, I'm not only grateful for the way things turned out instead---I'm extremely grateful that I didn't get some of those things I wanted so badly! So did destiny play some role in my life? I have a feeling it did. Okay, I'm not a movie star, or royalty, or the president---God forbid!---but I have everything I ever truly wanted most and am remarkably content with my lot. Anything else from here on out is simply icing on the cake!

Even if some of you don't recognize your destiny as yet, don't allow yourself to become discouraged! The journey to discover it can be a heck of a lot of fun! Try to enjoy the journey to the full and let destiny take its course!


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