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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Stubborn As A Taurus

Although I don't generally put much stock in astrology, my astrological sign is Taurus, and one of my major character flaws/strengths is stubbornness. So they at least got that one right. Strangely enough, though, I find being stubborn a great advantage when you're a professional writer.

Sticking with a project day in and day out, perhaps for years---especially if it's not going well---is dang tough. Many days you just want to give up and chuck the whole blasted kit-and-kaboodle out the nearest window ( or in my case, in the trash can! ) But I've learned over the years that if you are stubborn enough to persist, to struggle on despite problems, miraculously, you eventually find solutions to those problems.

I don't remember at this moment who said that invention ( or success ) is fifty per cent inspiration and fifty per cent perspiration. How true! So in spite of my infrequent down days, when I wonder why the heck I ever took up writing in the first place, I keep on slogging away at my current project. I know in my heart that I'd rather be writing than doing almost anything else in the entire Universe!

All for now,


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