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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Creating " The Hobbit"

If you're a big fan of the movie version of "The Lord of the Rings" ( as I am ), you probably can't wait for the two-part movie version of "The Hobbit", which is being directed by Peter Jackson. From what I've seen and heard about these films so far, we are in for a treat.

Ian McKellen is reprising his role as Gandalf the Grey, as is Hugo Weaving as Elrond. At one point I had heard that Orlando Bloom would return as Legolas ( he is a Wood Elf, after all! ), but at this time I haven't been able to confirm that info. I can, however, confirm that Evangeline Lilly ( Kate of "Lost" ) will play a female Wood Elf, and Stephen Fry has been cast as the Mayor of Laketown and has been shooting his scenes. I follow Stephen ( Bones, Black Adder, Fry and Laurie, etc. ) on Twitter.

Of great interest to me as an artist is the painstaking recreation of Rivendell and Bag End---quite a feat! Those were extraordinarily beautiful sets. Reconstructing Bag End must've been particularly complicated as several versions in various scales had to be constructed in order to make dwarves and hobbits appear to be smaller than Gandalf, when all the actors are approximately the same size.

Much as I can hardly bear the wait, I want the creative folk involved to do their utmost to make these two movies up to the same level as the first three. I have every confidence they'll do their absolute best!

All for now,


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