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Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Bit of a Breather

Now that True Son of Tartarus has been finished and left in the capable hands of the publisher and the printer, I am taking a bit of a breather, which doesn't mean that I'm not writing/editing---just that I'm under less pressure than usual. I've already begun the process of editing Ransom of Tartarus, which will be Book 3 of the trilogy; as soon as True Son becomes available online, I intend to start the whole publication process over once again.

If things go smoothly ( and they often do not! ) "Ransom" could be published as early as February of 2012. I just have to work hard and keep my fingers crossed. There's a lot to be done in that short time. Fortunately, Ransom has already been written, and I'm happy with it; it's been transferred to my laptop, made into a hard copy, and edited somewhat. But it still needs a final edit, transfer to a USB, layout, proofs and corrections of proofs, and coming up with a satisfactory cover design ( which can take 2-3 tries! )

As you can imagine, this all takes time and patience---even in the age of e-mails, pdfs, and priority mail! At this time I have no intention of succumbing to the temptation to turn the trilogy into a "series", as many authors have done---unless you count the creation of two prequels as making this into a series. Do I know how the story ends many, many years into the future? I do---but that telling is a very long way away!

All for now,

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