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Monday, October 17, 2011

Tooting My Own Horn

I'm not usually one to toot my own horn---however, when it comes to True Son of Tartarus, I'll make an exception: toot-toot! I ordered a copy of the Kindle version just to check out the quality, then sat down and read the whole thing, not the bits and pieces in which I'm used to reading during the editing process.

And the story literally blew my mind. Now I'm sure that most authors say that about their own book, whether or not it's strictly true, but I think I'm able to be a wee bit more objective about my work. I'm well aware that not everything I write is gold. I've abandoned a lot of my stuff that was sheer, unadulterated crap. But after re-reading True Son, I told one of my daughters, "This is the best 95,000 words I've ever written!"

And over the past nearly-forty years I've learned to trust my hubby's instincts---at least where books and film are involved. He loves True Son and insists it's the best book of the trilogy. Now my hubby is a voracious reader---if I lose him in a bookstore or a bookdealer's room at a con, he can be gone for hours! Our house is very nearly wall-to-wall books and DVDs---oh, and comic books and graphic novels as well.

Fortunately for me, he's brutally honest when it comes to my work. If it stinks, he'll tell me so in no uncertain terms. I've come to trust his opinion, though I accept the fact that our tastes and preferences often differ. But this time---and boy, do I hate to admit it!---I think he's right. I also trust my own gut. It tells me I have a winner here!

Still keeping my fingers crossed,


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