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Monday, October 10, 2011

A Glimpse Into the Future

If nothing interferes with my plans, I'm hoping ---hope, hope!---that Ransom of Tartarus will be ready to send to the publisher by the end of this year. But at the rate the publication process moves, Ransom could possibly be published in May of 2012, maybe if I'm lucky, a bit before! I'm looking forward to the completion of The Tartarus Trilogy.

But the other day my daughter Sharyn asked me what I intend to do when all three books have been published. My answer: "Get Galaxy Rand ready for publication!" That novel is sheer, unabashed space opera with a cast of quirky characters. I've been working on Galaxy off and on for quite a few years now. I frequently manage to lose the whole manuscript---buried under piles of other writing or swallowed up by the Twilight Zone. So only the first two chapters have actually been typed. Then when I rediscover what I've written, I get excited all over again!

Of course, since Galaxy's still in a pretty rough stage, the ms is going to require a lot of work for some time to come. But writing it is great fun; it's a radical departure from the "soft" SF of my Tartarus books; it gives me a break so I don't get bored with those characters and that world.

And I hope my readers will never get bored with them either!

All for now,


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