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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Good Book

Curling up with a good book, particularly in the dark and cold of Winter, is one of life's real pleasures. You can shut out the whole world for a time, forget your troubles. A good book is like a faithful friend who'll never desert you and always accomodates your schedule. It's there for you, morning, noon, or night---whenever you feel the need to read.

A book is patient. Just can't get to it? A good book will wait until you have time for it, won't get angry at being ignored, or stomp off in a huff---at least none of my books ever do! Can't vouch for all of 'em, of course.

A good book will be exactly the same next time you read it---you won't. In fact, you may find even deeper meaning the second or third time around. No matter how many times I've read The Lord of the Rings, I still find things to marvel at in its pages. Another good example of this: J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter books. If you've finished the series, I challenge you to start back at the beginning. I guarantee you'll find surprising hints and clues you missed the first time through---or even the second! Always the sign of a good writer.

Make the acquaintance of a really good book---or reacquaint yourself with one.


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