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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Kalom of Eris

One of my favorite non-major characters in the Tartarus Trilogy is Kalom of Eris. This young man is good-looking, friendly, informal ( which irritates Capt. Richard Hughes no end! ) and easy-going. Although Kalom was born on the planet Eris, one of the Thrasian race, he was raised on Terra. His father Koltok was the Thrasian Empire's Ambassador to Earth.

When his parents returned to Eris, Kalom rebelled and stayed behind. They, as well as most of his own people, now accuse him of being more Terran than Thrasian. Seeking adventure, the youth entered the Interstellar Space Service Academy in Houston, Texas, where he specialized in both Astrogation and Command.

At the start of the Trilogy, Kalom has served aboard the Interstellar Spacecraft Astrella II for eight years and has risen to the rank of Lt. Cmdr. As a result, he's now third-in-command of Astrella. Kalom is one of the few people aboard who don't actively despise Cmdr. Malkis of Tartarus, the ship's hard-nosed ExO. The easy-going Erisian just doesn't let much get to him, including the strict, acerbic Tartarian. He tells Rona Scott that Malkis is "okay as long as you obey regulations and stay on your toes!"

Kalom happens to be one darn good-looking guy: cafe-au-lait-colored skin, wavy red-gold hair, and perfectly-even features. His eyes mirror his moods, changing color from amber flecked with gold when he's happy to darker shades of brown, blue, or even violet when occasionally he's not so happy. As Tiko of Cytherea warns Rona, "Watch out for him, too!" Kalom is a real ladies' man; he enjoys a drink and a good time---but only when it's appropriate.

In both Books One and Two Kalom eventually proves his worth: he's a brave man who's not adverse to taking a few risks when necessary. His loyalty to Hughes and to his friends is unquestioned. All in all, Kalom of Eris is a good man to have in your corner in a dangerous situation.

I'd be very interested to hear your own assessment of Kalom.


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