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Saturday, October 15, 2011

An Alter Ego?

Basically, I'm a very shy, conservative person, soft-hearted and soft-spoken. I don't try to shock people. I detest confrontation, strong language, and violence of any sort---it's utterly abhorrent to me, leaves my psyche traumatized and lying in a puddle on the floor.

If so, you ask yourself, what could I possibly have been thinking when I wrote the character of Dar-kan hira-Gurd?

Okay, I realize that quite a few of my readers, especially those who know me personally, are going to be a bit shocked by True Son of Tartarus. This is one of those books where I find myself wondering, "Where the heck did this come from?" It seems totally against my nature.

But if it's true, as some maintain, that every character in a book represents some aspect of the author, then is Dar-kan truly a part of me? I sure hope not! She's despicable---a villain of the worst sort!---someone who'd as soon slit your throat as look at you, provided you were of no use to her.

In a way, I think Dar-kan is my polar-opposite. Can a writer be so aware of their own "dark side" that they can write about it? Perhaps; I don't remember hearing or reading any discussions of the subject by other writers, though I'm sure someone before me must have questioned it. The subject would make for an interesting discussion at an SFF convention. I'd certainly attend!

Any thoughts on the subject?


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