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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Lovely October!

Despite the fact that I still have a terrible cold that gave me a lovely case of laryngitis, October is my favorite month.And Fall is my favorite season. Crisp air, colorful leaves, ducks and geese on their way south---love it all. I especially love picking ripe apples right off the tree and baking apple pies and apple crisps. Yum! And I can hardly wait to pick a fat orange pumpkin to carve.

I love farm stands in general, but when they're decorated with squash and pumpkins and colorful pots of chrysanthemums---ah, it is to die for! I always look forward to Halloween to wrap up the month ( my hubby's favorite holiday! ) The grandkids go trick-or-treating dressed as Spiderman, or ninjas, Power Rangers or Green Lantern! I love it!

Can't say I love Winter here, though---not my favorite season. Too much snow and ice, even though it can be pretty. But I would never want to live anywhere but New England. I manage to get through it looking foraward to Spring: flowers, birds, green leaves. Sigh!

Love October while it lasts!


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