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Friday, October 7, 2011

Too Much To Do!

Believe me, blogging is more difficult when you're suffering with a really rotten cold like the one I have. My head's not working quite right; I can barely breathe or swallow. I know it will pass in a few days or so, but right now I have so doggone much to do that feeling lousy is very, very inconvenient.

Deadlines are looming: Trips to the Post Office must be made; Anthocon advertising must be taken care of; Book marketing plans must be made. Some of the little good news is that in a few days True Son will be up and running on Kindle. Maybe by then Amazon will have the cover pic up, and if I'm really lucky, the Look Inside feature will be functioning---both very important.

And as soon as I'm feeling up to it, there's Halloween decorating to be done, Christmas shopping to start, and getting ready for the slew of family birthdays in Oct./ early Nov.

So much to be done---so little time! Alas, I need to get well fast!


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