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Saturday, January 29, 2011

For People Who Don't Read SF

Do you have to be a fan of science fiction in order to enjoy reading Judgment on Tartarus? No, I don't think so. I've read a lot of different types of SF and enjoyed most of them, if well-written. But I definitely prefer "soft" SF where story and characters drive the action, rather than the hardware and scientific theories. As I've said before in my blogs, SF isn't all rockets, robots, and ray-guns. And my particular brand of it has a little of the flavor of fantasy---and even a dash of sword and sorcery.

In my reading, as well as in my writing, I prefer an intellectual challenge, engaging characters, and an engrossing storyline involving an emotional journey. My stories ( for the most part ) just happen to be set in the future, either on Earth, in space, or on a planet we haven't yet discovered. So if you're looking for an SF story where the stalwart hero---or heroine--- handily overcomes all odds and doesn't change one iota from the first page to the last, don't read Judgment on Tartarus.  And if you're looking for a story where technology and theoretical science are described in great detail, reading Judgment won't satisfy you. Everyone else, I think, will get some enjoyment from it.

So far all the feedback I've received has been positive, even from people who don't generally read SF. For that I'm truly grateful. Basically, I write to please myself, never knowing if anyone else will appreciate my work. I just hope for the best. I'm a bit surprised, as well as pleased, that so many people are enjoying my work so much! ( Later on I will discuss a couple concerns my readers have had, I promise.)

All for now,


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