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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Reader Concerns

Promised you I'd discuss a couple of concerns my readers have. For instance, why communications aboard Astrella aren't more advanced ( ala Star Trek or Babylon 5, I suspect. ) Both those TV shows employed personal comm devices attached to either clothing or skin. This was done for dramatic effect, I'm sure. But practicality?

I did consider using some such technology but chose not to use it for some very simple reasons. People value their privacy, especially in close quarters such as a spaceship or spacestation. No one would want to risk an offhand comment like "The Captain's a bleeping bleep-bleep!" being accidentally overheard. Nor would anyone want less than absolute privacy in the bedroom or the head! Comm systems are best left in easily-acessible places where people could choose whether or not to use them, without risk of eavesdroppers.

Also, this story is set in the very early part of the 22nd century--a mere eighty-nine years from now. And the way our space program is going, it's hard to say now how advanced our technology is going to be by that time. I suspect we have much bigger problems than shipboard communication, such as the speed of space-travel and the safety and health of future astronauts.

That said, the latest on Judgment on Tartarus is that I now have three great reviews on ( one is four stars and two are five! ) and at least six other people that I know of are currently reading Judgment. I'm happy that people are enjoying it.

So much for now,


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