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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tartarus is Hell!

For the benefit of anyone who isn't a big fan of Greek myths, as I obviously am, I should probably explain some of the references in Judgment on Tartarus.Not really necessary to understand the story, but I think it makes it a bit more fun. "Tartarus" is the name of the lower depth of Hell in ancient Greek mythology, Erebus being the first Hell.

Mythologically speaking, the gates of Tartarus were guarded by the three-headed dog Cerberus ( sorry, that's not Fluffy from J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter book! ) So naturally, in my book the Twin Moons of Tartarus are called Erebus and Cerberus.

The beautiful, idyllic planet I call Cytherea was named after the goddesss of beauty and laughter, Aphrodite ( also known as Cytherea.) And my warlike and strife-prone planet Eris ( not the planetoid in our own solar system ) is named for the god of strife. Of course the Hades/Persephone myth---oh, wait! If I tell you too much, I'll  totally give away the main plot of Judgment on Tartarus, won't I?

Sorry, but I really want you to read it for yourself! Have fun!


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