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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Technical difficulties

Right now things are not going well. My computer is being finicky and won't download files I need. So what else is new? Having some creative differences with my publisher---to be expected, I'm sure. I decided to go the self-publishing route because traditional publishers don't take manuscripts from new authors seriously. And even when they do, they take their sweet time making decisions. When I sent my second novel, True Son of Tartarus to DAW, they kept it for two whole years before returning it to me with a polite rejection!
Fortunately for me, I kept on writing in that time and by that time had a trilogy.

Some people might argue with my assessment, but I heard a well-known publisher say with her own lips that she only accepted manuscripts from a stable of eight or nine established authors! This was at a panel deploring the lack of new blood in the publishing industries.  Thought my husband was going to go ballistic!

Anyway, I'm well aware that publishers have to sift through a lot of chaff to get to a little wheat. But I believe my books are in the latter category. I'll probably discuss the type of science fiction in which I specialize at a later date when I'm in more of an up mood.

"Til then,

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