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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Categorizing my writing

Hello, again!

What kind of fiction do I write? Well, I surely am not a scientist, therfore I don't write "hard" science fiction. I read it, and I've known a few hard SF writers such as Isaac Asimov and Hal Clement (Harry Stubbs).And at one point in my life, I did seriously consider becoming a biology teacher---biology was always one of my favorite subjects.

But what appeals most to me is the way people will interact in the future, especially if we are forced to deal with "aliens" of some kind. I'm not convinced this will happen in my lifetime so I have to imagine it.My writing deals with characters in the future, their challenges and problems---will they get along or conflict? Will Terrans ever get over their bigotry and prejudices? Probably not entirely.

I realize that some people are going to categorize my writing as "space opera", and I have no problem with that. At least one of my upcoming novels is blatant space opera, and I find it fun to write.But whatever genre I'm writing, I do try to stick to scientific principles, even though some of them are still highly theoretical.

In addition to the SF elements in  my work, there's also a strong love story, a little violence, and a dash of mystery---what would a good story be without them? As I've said before, Judgment on Tartarus, especially, is a fun read, and I think a lot of people will enjoy it.Long-winded enough.


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