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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Second author's proofs

Hello again,

We are getting down to the wire in the publishing process.  I'm reviewing my proofs for corrections and have found a couple that somehow slipped by the corrections editor from last time.  But I'm not happy with this rendition of the back cover text; you know that stuff on the back of the book that you check out before you buy it.  Very important.  But somehow this latest version missed the boat and will have to be corrected before I sign off on it. When that occurs, the whole file will be sent to the printer, and about three weeks later---ta-dah!---I should have a printed copy of Judgment on Tartarus at last!

Of course, I'm excited, but I'm also anxious to get on to Book Two: True Son of Tartarus, which takes up the story where it leaves off.  Although each book in my trilogy is capable of standing alone---True Son was almost published by DAW as a stand-alone---I'd rather tell the entire story in the correct sequence.

My publisher's link is My book will be listed on their website as well as and Barnes and Noble.

Wish me luck!

MR Tighe

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