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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Final Steps

Having overcome a few technical difficulties, I completed the final steps before publication: signing and returning my acceptance of my cover and proofs and signing my W9 for royalties. I took them to the Post Office myself as we are on a rural route and outgoing mail is not always secure. When you are a struggling writer, you come to know the Post Office well! I've sent out manuscripts often and usually receive nothing but rejections (a few accompanied by some very polite and encouraging letters, thankfully!)

I'll have a very hard time waiting the three weeks until I have my first novel in my hot little hands. I'm sure you understand why this is so exciting for me. I love to write. I scribble on every scrap of paper that comes my way. This can be very messy! Ask my poor husband who has to put up with my disorganization!

And, of course, I'm anticipating some negative criticism---I'm used to it. I used to belong to a writer's group. A few people there truly appreciated my work, but there was one in particular who refused to read anything that was science fiction. I was shocked by such a close-minded attitude. I believe in giving a book a chance. I may not love everything I read, but at least I'm willing to give it a try. Hopefully, since you're reading this blog, you are open-minded enough to give Judgment on Tartarus a try when it becomes available.

More later. Thanks,


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