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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Good News!

The good news is that I just got an e-mail from Wheatmark, my publisher, that my book is at the printers. Three to four weeks from today I should have the first copies of Judgment on Tartarus in hand. Very exciting! It should be on in about four weeks. Ooops! I think I told some people it would be months! Sorry about that. It may take a bit longer for them to get up the cover image ( which is beautiful by the way! ) and the Look Inside feature. Those will be up eventually; my publisher advises patience with Amazon.

I would be very grateful if you would refer friends, or anyone else you think would be interested, to my blog site. I'll provide more information here as it comes to me.

It's very cold and windy here in New England on the day before Thanksgiving. We will be traveling to NH tomorrow. Be safe everyone and Happy Thanksgiving!



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