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Monday, November 15, 2010

Inspiration vs Serendipity

Hi there!
Just a thought or two about the "creative process" we all experience in one way or another. I've recently realized that there are some things in Judgment on Tartarus that I never planned on--they just happened. Serendipity or destiny?

For instance, one of my main characters is named Corona Scott. Why Corona? Well, I was looking for a name with future/space connotations--and there it was right in front of me: the brand name of my grandfather's old typewriter! But that name proved to be inspired. Another major character, Malkis of Tartarus, eventually became "theSun of Ahn-eld (Tartarus ). So often, when I write something and go back to give it another look, I think, "Where in the world did that come from?" Sometimes I can figure it out, and at others, I'm just left to wonder!

What I've begun to realize more and more is that books are organic; like any creative endeavor, they grow from unseen roots, which send out shoots and branch off, breathing and growing until they literally have a life of their own. I can't help thinking that's awesome!

All for now,

MR Tighe

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