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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mighty Thor

Took a break last week to go see the new movie "Thor". I used to love reading Thor comic books when I was younger, but this Thor is not much like the Thor I grew up reading. The story has been updated and, I think, improved significantly. The movie relies heavily on Norse mythology---Odin, Loki, Frost Giants, Bi-frost, etc. For those who don't have a background in Norse mythology, however, they do some well-handled explanation.

The writing is excellent; the special effects were creative and well-done; the cinematography was spectacular, and the acting, for the most part, above par. There are also some successful bits of humor which do not detract from the believability of the plot. This movie suggests that the Norse gods were actually alien beings with super-powers, who were from another dimension and greeted by humans as gods.

"Thor" was not as comic-booky as one might expect---I actually found myself feeling sorry for the trickster god, Loki, Thor's brother, and sympathizing with Thor, the god of thunder, when his father, Odin, banished him to Earth and took away his super-powers. All in all, "Thor" was an enjoyable, very entertaining movie which would appeal even to those who didn't grow up as fans of the comic book. I look forward to owning the DVD.

All for now,


1 comment:

  1. In the Official Handbook to the Marvel Universe printed in the 1980s, all mythological gods in Marvel are explained to be superhuman beings from other dimensions who were treated as gods by humans in ancient times and shaped their cultures.
    That was not an invention for this movie. It was always explained that way since the 70s.

    Either way, it was an awesome movie.
