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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Surviving the Craziness!

Seems as if my "to do" list gets longer every day! And my "done" list---well, let us say it's not as long. And it's my own fault, can't blame anyone else. Besides the list of usual chores we all have to accomplish, I'm getting True Son ready for publication, working on the rough draft of the prequel, Malkis of Tartarus, and preparing to edit Book Three: Ransom of Tartarus, meanwhile searching the house from top to bottom looking for the lost ending to my space opera titled Galaxy Rand!

Please understand I don't recommend this idiocy to anyone else! My life can be, and usually is, very confusing. When I wake up in the morning, I have to stop and think, "If this is Wednesday, it must be Malkis of Tartarus!" When I try to discuss my writing with my long-suffering husband, he has to stop me and ask, "Oaky---which book are we talking about here?"

Though I do try to write something almost every day, there are times when I'm just not in the mood for, say, a seriously heavy scene---so I go on to something lighter. Or, as I'm working on one thing, an idea for something else pops into my head, so I go on to that while the idea is still fresh in my mind! Sounds rather chaotic and haphazard, I know, but for me it tends to work out rather amazingly well!

One of my several mottoes is: "Insanity prevails!" Creativity certainly can be messy, but it sure is fun!


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