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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Are We Having Fun Yet?

To answer that---yes, we are! It's been quite a while since I read Ransom of Tartarus through, so it's like reading a new book! Always exciting! Even writers tend to forget what they've written, and I'm no different. So even the difficult first edit has become more fun than usual! Whether future edits will find me so enthusiastic remains to be seen, but for now I'm a very happy camper.

The plot of Ransom is a bit more complicated than the previous two books, more intrigue, more characters involved (but I try to keep them to a reasonable number, almost all have been introduced in the previous books, and some meet their demise before the end! ) There's also a lot more action than in the first two, so, if I could hazard a guess, I'd say it's a bit more of a "boy's book"! So far, I must admit, no one has accused the other two books of being "girly"---maybe because I've never been a girly-girl, but a tomboy who loved hunting and fishing and climbing trees ( despite a huge fear of heights! )

So, must get back to work now---deep in part three ( Prophecy Fulfilled ) and nearing the end of the trilogy.
I can't wait to hear readers' reactions when True Son comes out and, finally, when Ransom is published!

All for now,


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