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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Voyage Into the Unknown

The start of any new venture can lead to butterflies in the stomach. Publishing a new book is no different. It can be one heck of a scary proposition! After investing so much time and effort ( aka blood, sweat, and tears---yes, real tears; the blood, not so much, thank goodness! ) publishing your work feels a bit like being swept away in a madly-rushing stream---no idea how far you'll be swept or what your ultimate destination will be. Scary, but exciting at the same time!

I am trying to keep both feet planted firmly on the earth---though my head is in outer space a good deal of the time! Most of what happens isn't under my control. I just have to let it play out as I hope for the best. I have high hopes for my next book, True Son of Tartarus, but I remember how nervous I was when I sent out Judgment on Tartaus. So far that book has exceeded my expectations.

Right now I'm concentrating on getting True Son through the publishing process and continuing to write the best stories I can, honing my skills, and just plugging away. The biggest up-side for me is that I'm having loads of fun! Would I still write if I didn't enjoy it? Maybe not. I believe in doing what you love to do, particularly should you find that you're good at it.

So, whatever your passion is, don't hold your creativity back. Give it a go!


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