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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pros and Cons

My husband and I greatly enjoy attending science fiction and fantasy conventions ( cons ), and over the years we've been to quite a few. Unfortunately, in this computer age, some of our favorites are no longer being held---and we miss them! I have fond memories of meeting and talking to some favorite TV and movie actors, including Henry Winkler ( "Happy Days", "Curb Your Enthusiasm" ), John Rhys-Davies ( "Lord of the Rings", "Sliders", "Raiders of the Lost Ark" ), Mira Furlan ( "Babylon 5", "Lost"" ), and Matt Lewis ( Neville Longbottom in the "Harry Potter" films ).

Alas, my all-time favorite was the late Richard Biggs ( may he rest in peace! ) who played Dr. Steven Franklin in Babylon 5. He was an absolutely lovely, kind man with a great sense of humor and loads of talent. I remember in particular our discussion of the show's precarious position as far as renewal went; we let him know that we loved the show so much that we stayed up until 1:00 in the morning to watch it on our local station. We concluded that all he could do to influence the outcome was to give his role the best he had. Obviously, he did, for B-5 made it a full five seasons---to our great joy---plus made- for- TV movies. If you've never seen the show, catch it on DVD or you've really missed something meaningful!

We realize that, to the actors, a job is a job---but many of them do seem to particularly enjoy being involved in sci-fi/fantasy and attending cons to meet their fans. At cons they are able to find out exactly how much their work is appreciated. Actors are people, and an ego boost is something we all can't help but get a kick out of!

I believe in expressing your appreciation for a job well done!


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