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Monday, May 2, 2011

Onward and Upward

Holy Toledo, Batman! One day Judgment's sales ranking on Kindle is #255,106---and the next it's #106,732 ( out of 900,000 titles! ) I simply cannot believe it! Would you say my decision to put out a Kindle version of Judgment on Tartarus was a pretty good one?

At this point I have high hopes for Book Two: True Son of Tartarus. Several years ago, when I offered the manuscript to a couple of traditional publishers ( the Big Guys! ) one called DAW kept True Son for TWO years before returning it to me with a polite note saying they had decided not to publish it!

That's when I decided that the usual ( at that time ) publishing process  was too slow and time-consuming---time a serious writer cannot afford to waste! I decided to pursue other options, researched them, and made a decision. So far it has worked out well for me--and I truly appreciate everyone who has taken an interest in my work. Thank you!


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