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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Common Ground

Yesterday I happened to catch a TV interview with Danielle Steele. She has written 118 books---and I've never read a single one of them, I must admit. But I discovered during the interview that besides being authors and loving to tell stories, we share several other things in common.

First, she started out as an artist, as did I, before turning to writing. I exhibited ( and sold ) some of my work at SF conventions. Second, Ms. Steele confessed that while she's writing she stops reading altogether, as I do! There's always the danger of being unduly influenced during the delicate creative process!

And third, we both do not write explicit sex scenes. She and I believe, to quote her, in discreetly "shutting the bedroom door" on our characters. So although we write wildly different genres, maybe we aren't that far apart after all.

Never having read one of her books, I can't state that in absolute certainty, but the interview did encourage me to try reading one of her books someday---just to see if we share anything else in common.

Back to preparing the proofed manuscript of True Son of Tartarus to be mailed out tomorrow!


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