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Monday, August 29, 2011

6 Pi-con

We had an absolute blast at Pi-con this weekend past. There was a fair amount of traffic going west on the Mass. turnpike, but it thinned out considerably once we'd passed the NYC exit. We reached Enfield, CT in about 2 1/2 hours. No trouble finding the Holiday Inn, which is conveniently located just off the highway. The staff there was very friendly and helpful, more so than is typical at cons. ( They like us; they really, really like us! )

Attendance was down from their usual due to an unwelcome guest---Hurricane Irene---which passed almost directly over us. We had some rain, a bit of wind Sunday, and a beautiful rainbow Sun. evening, but nothing too bad. We lucked out compared to the Southeast and the rest of New England.

The fans who attended Pi-con ran the gamut from writers, editors, scientists, and serious readers to filkers, gamers, costumers, anime buffs, and LARPers. They were all more than usually friendly and welcoming. Quite evidently, this is a con that is glad to have first-timers attend. Because Irene was due to pass by at the time we'd usually be heading for home, we decided ( as did quite a few others ) to stay put an extra night, and we were glad we did. The con scheduled extra events to entertain us and provided plenty of food and drink for those of us who chose to stay.

We had no trouble at all getting home in beautiful sunshine Mon. am, very little traffic so we made it in two hours. Pi-con was one of those cons that you leave thinking, " I can hardly wait to come back next year!" I'll give a more detailed account of events, program, and guests later!

All for now,


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