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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

From The Hobbit to Harry

Believe it or not, I do read things other than science fiction, and I fully admit to being  a huge Harry Potter fan. I've read all the books through several times over, have a collection of the movies to date, as well as a few busts and sculptures that are movie-related. And I can hardly wait until the final installment is released!

Since I first learned to read, I was enthralled by fantasy fiction, although there wasn't much of it available when I was a kid ( and even less SF for children! ) During my college years I got hooked on The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. I think I can recognize a classic when I read one, and I believe the Harry Potter books fall into that category and should and will be enshrined among them.

The latest "Harry" development, of course, is that J.K. Rowling has just made her books available as e-books---along with a few fun gadgets for her fans. I hope that the popularity of books such as Harry Potter will lead future generations of children to grow up with a life-long love of reading ( in whatever form! )

I must agree with Rona Scott in Chapter Two of Judgment on Tartarus: reading is a painless way to broaden your education---as well as being just plain ol' FUN!

Read away, then!


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