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Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Lengthy SF History

Although I'm a newly-published SF author, I have a rather lengthy history with the subject. I've been reading science fiction and fantasy since I learned to read---a lot of comic books, the Mary Poppins books, Doctor Doolittle, etc.. By the early sixties, I was also writing fiction---mostly short stories and fantasy at that time. And I actually won the Creative Writing Award at HS graduation for a non-SF piece.

I've written a lot of non-fiction, too.: college essays and reports as well as a book-length art curriculum guide. But my first love has always been and continues to be sci-fi and fantasy in any form. I started attending SF cons ( conventions ) in March of 1969 in Boston. At first, I found myself a bit out of my element, but I quickly adjusted when I realized that everyone there was an SF fan and proud of it! Some of the famous writers I've met since are among the most intelligent people I've ever met. After that, I don't think it ever really bothered me that most "mundanes" ( SF-speak for mainstream folk, non -fans of SF ) looked down their noses at us, regarding us as "geeks" and nerds"---oh, my!

I recognized the value in my/their interests and dreams---and besides, it was a heck of a lot of fun!

Fandom gave me permission to be myself, to be different, to dream as far as the stars---and encouraged me to live my dreams. If you haven't got involved in SFF fandom yet, give it a try. You might be surprised at what you find!


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