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Monday, July 9, 2018

Do You See Yourself in Your Characters?

I had always heard that writers tend to put themselves into their characters. I found that a bit hard to believe--that is, until I became a published author myself. Since analyzing my own characters, I have discovered some amazing similarities:

1.) My heroine, Ensign Rona Scott, is probably the most like me. I suppose that is be expected. She starts out a bit timid and unsure of herself due to her lack of experience; she fears she's going to "deep-six" her first mission in deep-space aboard the space cruiser Astrella II. But Rona is stubborn, curious, impulsive, head-strong, and on occasion, feisty. Also like me, she happens to be open-minded and soft-hearted, and she stands up for her principles.

2.) Another of my main characters, Malkis of Tartarus, is also stubborn to a fault and brutally honest ( unlike me. ) He usually hides his true feelings, which I tend to do all too often! But above all else, he believes in honor and loyalty. He has a keen sense of Justice, very much like me. Of course, these attributes tend to get him in trouble. He's not all that popular with his shipmates, many of whom hate his guts.

3.) Richard Hughes, the Captain of Astrella has a notorious temper with a short fuse ( unlike me--I have a very long fuse, but a terrible temper! ). He plays by-the-book, like I do, but his no-nonsense attitude isn't my cup of tea. Bring on the nonsense!

4.) One of my most favorite characters is Kalom of Eris. He's light-hearted with a great sense of humor. He's informal, down to earth, and has been known to break the rules--but only for good reason. I think Kalom represents the more playful, cocky side of me--not the worry-wart!

5.) Lastly, there's Dar-kan ( the villainess introduced in Book 2 of my trilogy.) This Ghendarian Ship's Commander is young, but well-trained as a warrior woman. She's probably the least like me,  or at least I hope so! She's sexy, viciously cruel, and sadistic. But in her own twisted way, she's also naïve, curious, and dead-stubborn ( again, guilty as charged! ) We all have a dark side; like Dar-kan, I tend to be selfish and want everything my own way. I'm also as bossy as hell--first-child syndrome.

My fellow writers out there: Do you ever see aspects of yourself in any of your characters?
Have you ever sat down and tried to analyze them? You'll find it's actually rather fun!

Keep on reading and keep writing no matter what!

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