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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Galaxy and Tin Man

Here's another short scene from my latest novel, Galaxy Rand. This is taken from a chapter titled The Black Hole ( a bar, not an actual black hole. That would be rather disasterous! ):

   I'd left the bot outside the bar to stand guard. He was hiding in the shadows of the narrow alley running between The Black Hole and the equally-sleazy joint next door. I whistled low, once, as a signal, and the bot came to join me. Gas orbs hovering over the deserted street offered a few splotches of dim light. The bot's black-armored body gleamed like polished glass.

   "Did you acquire any pertinent information, Rand?" he asked.
   "Not a whole helluva lot," I had to admit. "Confirmed some current rumors, though. Seems an old friend of mine's back in this sector, and I'll give you hundred to one odds he's behind the latest Remoxa jackings."
   "Could the individual in question be responsible for the recent attempts on your life as well?"

   I shook my head. "Don't see how the bloody hell that's possible, Tin Man. Torrance can't have enough credits to hire that many hitmen. If he jacks one or two more shipments like the last one, he'll be more'n ready to take me out, no doubt about that. But it's beginning to look as if somebody's beat him to the punch."
   "Then where does that leave us?"
   "Us? Again with the us!" For some unknown reason, that two-letter word raised my hackles to full-staff.

   "Now you look here, pal! There is no us! You have absolutely nothing at stake. Got that? Not a fleggin soul in the whole bloody Cosmos gives a fast-flying damn what happens to you. Hell, you're nothing but a bot: just a walking, talking, human-aping collection of nuts and bolts, servos and nano-circuits--nothing more!"

   In his most annoying, most uppity tone, Blackie snapped, "Thank you for reminding me of the cold, hard facts, madam. I had almost succeeded in forgetting my present state of being."

@copyright 2014

Well, that's enough for now. More later. Hope you enjoy.

Keep on writing and keep on reading,

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